Tag Archives: Opinion

Simple harmonic oscillator

New Clear Fusion

Forget the Benjamins.

It’s all about the Hamiltonians.

I’m reaching a tipping point, where I’m getting more energy out of the system than I put into it!

I’ve spent a solid month immersing myself in all things WordPress, forcing myself to recite poetry in PHP. And if code is poetry, I’m almost ready for my first recital and about a month from my first poetry slam.

But I’m mixing metaphors that I coulda use’d meta for. So, to keep a quantum of nerdiness involved, I’ll stick to the nuclear fusion metaphor like a gluon.

Anytime I learn something completely new I go through several phases.

First, let’s compare them to the classic phases of matter:

  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas
  • Plasma

Like most people, we really only consider the first three phases of matter in nature.  But we forget the fourth, which is just as au natural as the others, but doesn’t come to mind as quickly – plasma.

No not the kind of plasma that gets you paid in cookies. The kind that keeps astronauts from communicating with ground control upon re-entry. The kind that forms “ball lightning”. The chunky soup of fusion!

And like the spark that creates it, fusion can produce massive amounts of energy with only a limited fuel supply.

Now let’s look at my creative learning process and how it mimics the phases of matter.

Solid. When I first observe an unknown system, I only see the big picture. The output. The result of all the inner workings. Like billions of tiny water molecules arranging themselves into beautifully exquisite patterns that are entirely to complex to be accidental. This almost freezes my mind! How can this occur? Is it magic?

Liquid. Slowly, I turn up the heat, and look closely at the structure as it changes and melts. And now I have a pool of water where there was just moments ago latticework of amazing crystals. All the patterns are gone, and I’m left with a bucket of H2O. I can’t make any sense of this! I need help. I’m drowning in ignorance!

But I force myself to dive in, and sink or swim. Sure it’s cold at first, but I acclimate quickly and before I know it I’m treading water! (and mixing metaphors again) Soon enough, I get the flow. I feel the current and decide to heat things up a bit more. Adding some chemicals to the pool to stabilize the pH(P) too.

Gas. Now things are really heating up and I can see the steam rising from the surface. I understand the process. I could probably even sublimate, but I’d be getting ahead of myself.

Plasma. Instead I turn up the heat even more, watching the water molecules behave much differently. The individual atoms start dictating new formations and kicking out some serious plasma energy.

This is where the spark of fusion arrives in a glorious epiphany! I see not the structure, but the components. I’ve observed the various states or phases and see all the pieces working as one regardless of phase.

I can harness the power and use it for the benefit of mankind. I can further experiment with other exotic phases of matter like Bose-Einstein Condensates, and push the envelope of what matter can do!

WordPress is my new heavy water, and it sure tastes better than the Kool Aid everyone else is drinking.

Leonardo da Vinci ASCII art

Oxymoron – The story of an outgoing introvert.

Artistic nerds.

We’re all a bit alike.

We’re intrigued by organic patterns that are evident in nature and often pleasing to us on a sublime level. The golden ration didn’t just fascinate Dan Brown. A whole slew of artists, philosophers, theologians, mathematicians, scientists are intrigued by it. and that’s just one of many cool numbers!

Patterns are evidence of a higher order.

We feel compelled to understand these patterns. To be able to fold it and unfold it. To rearrange it. To disassemble and reassemble it. Never upset when it isn’t the same as before, but happy or intrigued by the new variation.

We’ve made it our own.

It’s no accident that these clues are given to us. Evidence hidden in the stars. In our very essence. As above, so below.

I know you are, but what am I?

The creative among us struggle to express this. The patterns speak to us. And we want to shout it out to the world! Through artwork, music, literature. We unravel the music into chords, notes, harmonics. We filter the white light and take only the specific spectrum we need to create a unique palette. These methods are the key and legend to those who follow.


Our very core is a generator, and we’re fueled by this natural resource. A free renewable resource that anyone can use endlessly! But not everyone is programmed to access it. Wiring can be funny like that. In know mine’s intermittent at best. Just like I’m not programmed to enjoy taxes or reality TV 100% of the time.

The lineage of geeky artisans is great

Although I don’t yet have a history-book-worthy creation to my credit (yet), I’m still happy to share space with them right here on this web page! It’s mine, and I can do what I want.

Here are a few noteables that come to mind.

Have some of your own? Feel free to share in the comments!

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Danny Elfman 
  • Thomas Dolby
  • Brian May
  • Will I Am
  • Elon Musk
  • Nicola Tesla
  • Mozart
  • David Lynch
  • Andy Warhol
  • M.C. Escher
  • Skunk Baxter